USS Exodus: Ship Specs
USS Exodus

Crew Manifest

Crew Bios

Ship Specs

Missions Present and Past

Area Map

Technical Database

Starfleet Starship Database

Alien Starship Database


               Steamrunner                                  Peregrine                                           Rogue

During the late 2360's Starfleet became increasingly worried about the average age of the ships in the fleet. Although vessels such as the Miranda and Excelsior class were performing adequately as mid sized cruisers and destroyers, these designs dated back between over 70 years and were lagging behind the latest technology despite frequent refits. Rapid expansion of the Federation was also putting a great strain on both the exploratory and defense capacities of Starfleet, and although the Nebula class was under development Starfleet was predicting that it would be unable to meet all of its commitments by 2375.

The Steamrunner design was fielded in the early 2370s along with the Saber as part of a major fleet wide program of modernization and a reaction to the new Borg threat. Essentially the Steamrunner's serve a similar function as the modern day Intrepid Class - a smaller, faster counterpart which would be deployed in large numbers to augment the more capable designs.

Hull Specifications:
Expected Euration: 50 Years
Time Between Resupply: 2 Years
Time Between Refit: 5 Years
Category: Explorer/Light Cruiser

Officers: 45
Enlisted Crew: 140
Marines: 74
Passengers: 45

Cruising Speed: Warp 6
Maximum Speed: Warp 8
Emergency Speed: Warp 9.5 (for 12 hours)

Auxiliary Craft:
Shuttle Bays: 1
Shuttles: 6
Attack Fighters: 5; 1 Peregrine Class, 4 Rogue Class
Runabouts: 0

Phasers: 1 Type-X Phaser Array, 6 Type-VIII Phaser Arrays
Torpedoes: 360; 250 Photon, 100 Quantum, 10 Tri-Cobalt
Launchers: 4 (3 forward, 1 aft)
Shields: Standard

Height: 40.2 Meters
Width: 160.2 Meters
Length: 244.4 Meters
Decks: 10

Deck Layout
Deck One: CO's Office, Main Bridge
Deck Two: Briefing/Conference Room, XO's Office
Deck Three: Diplomatic Facilities, Officers' Quarters, Shuttlebay Control, Transporter Room One, VIP Quarters
Deck Four: CMO's Office, Computer Core Control, CSO's Office, CTO's Office, Science Labs 1-12, Shuttlebay
Deck Five: Computer Core, Docking Ports, Enlisted Officers' Quarters, Holodeck, Lounge, Recreational Facilities
Deck Six: Cargo Bay, Cargo Transporters, Engineering, Enlisted Officers' Quarters, Marine Barracks, Torpedo Launchers, Transporter Room Two, Warp Core
Deck Seven: Armory, Brig/Security, CEO's Office, Engineering, Navigational Deflector, Torpedo Magazine, Warp Core
Deck Eight: Anti-Matter Storage, Deuterium Storage, Environmental Systems, Navigational Delfector
Deck Nine: Navigational Deflector
Deck Ten: Waste Processing/Recycling Center

Security Structure Breakdown:
Total Security: 26

Chief of Security
   Alpha Team, 8 total Security
   Bravo Team, 8 total Security
   Charlie Team, 8 total Security
   Brig Officer

Marine Structure Breakdown:
Total Marines: 80

Marine Commanding Officer
   Marine Executive Officer
      Squad Alpha, 26 total Marines
         1st Section, 8 total Marines
            1st Fireteam, 4 total Marines
            2nd Fireteam, 4 total Marines
         2nd Section, 8 total Marines
            1st Fireteam, 4 total Marines
            2nd Fireteam, 4 total Marines
         3rd Section, 8 total Marines
            1st Fireteam, 4 total Marines
            2nd Fireteam, 4 total Marines
      Squad Bravo, 26 total Marines
         1st Section, 8 total Marines
            1st Fireteam, 4 total Marines
            2nd Fireteam, 4 total Marines
         2nd Section, 8 total Marines
            1st Fireteam, 4 total Marines
            2nd Fireteam, 4 total Marines
         3rd Section, 8 total Marines
            1st Fireteam, 4 total Marines
            2nd Fireteam, 4 total Marines
      Squad Charlie, 26 total Marines
         1st Section, 8 total Marines
            1st Fireteam, 4 total Marines
            2nd Fireteam, 4 total Marines
         2nd Section, 8 total Marines
            1st Fireteam, 4 total Marines
            2nd Fireteam, 4 total Marines
         3rd Section, 8 total Marines
            1st Fireteam, 4 total Marines
            2nd Fireteam, 4 total Marines