Stardate Converter
| Chain of Command |
| Starfleet |
Commissioned |
Captain |
| |
Commander |
Lieutenant Commander |
Lieutenant |
Lieutenant Junior Grade |
Ensign |
Non-Commissioned |
Master Chief Petty Officer |
Senior Chief Petty Officer |
Chief Petty Officer |
Petty Officer 1st Class |
Petty Officer 2nd Class |
Petty Officer 3rd Class |
Crewman |
Crewman Apprentice |
Crewman Recruit |
| Marine |
Commissioned |
Colonel |
Lieutenant Colonel |
Major |
Marine Captain |
1st Lieutenant |
2nd Lieutenant |
Non-Commissioned |
Sergeant Major |
Master Sergeant |
Gunnery Sergeant |
Staff Sergeant |
Sergeant |
Corporal |
Lance Corporal |
Private 1st Class |
Private |
Armament Classes and Types
Beam/Cannon Weapons: Type-III: 600-1000 Kilowatt Output Type-IV: 1-300 Megawatt Output Type-V: 300-600 Megawatt Output Type-VI: 600-1000 Megawatt Output Type-VII: 1-250 Gigawatt Output Type-VIII: 300-600 Gigawatt Output Type-IX: 600-1000 Gigawatt Output Type-X: 1-300 Terawatt Output Type-XI: 300-600 Terawatt Output Type-XII: 600-1000 Terawatt Output
Torpedo Launchers: Class-2: 1 torpedo in 1 second, then 5 second reload Standard: 1 torpedo in 1 second, then 3 second reload Type-I Burst-Fire: 4 torpedoes in 3 seconds, then 1 second reload Pulse-Fire: 4 torpedoes in 1 second, then 4 second reload Type-II Burst-Fire: 8 torpedoes in 5 seconds, then 1 second reload Type-III Burst-Fire: 10 torpedoes in 5 seconds, then 1 second reload Rapid-Fire: 6 torpedoes in 1 second, then 2 second reload
Standard Equipment
Command: Shipwide: Type 1 Phaser Red Alert: Type 1 Phaser, Type 2 Phaser Away Mission: Type 1 Phaser, Type 2 Phaser, Tricorder
Flight: Shipwide: Type 1 Phaser Red Alert: Type 1 Phaser, Type 2 Phaser Spacebourne: Type 1 Phaser, Type 2 Phaser, Tricorder
Strategic: Shipwide: Type 1 Phaser, Type 2 Phaser Red Alert: Type 1 Phaser, Type 2 Phaser, Phaser Rifle Away Mission: Type 1 Phaser, Type 2 Phaser, Phaser Rifle, Tricorder
Engineering: Shipwide: Type 1 Phaser, Tricorder Red Alert: Type 1 Phaser, Tricorder Away Mission: Type 1 Phaser, Type 2 Phaser, Tricorder
Operations: Shipwide: Type 1 Phaser Red Alert: Type 1 Phaser, Type 2 Phaser Away Mission: Type 1 Phaser, Type 2 Phaser, Tricorder
Science Shipwide: Type 1 Phaser, Tricorder Red Alert: Type 1 Phaser, Tricorder Away Mission: Type 1 Phaser, Tricorder
Medical: Shipwide: Tricorder Red Alert: Type 1 Phaser, Tricorder Away Mission: Type 1 Phaser, Tricorder
Marine Shipwide: Bladed Weapon, Type 2 Phaser, Type 2 Phaser Red Alert: Bladed Weapon, Type 2 Phaser, Type 2 Phaser, Phaser Rifle Away Mission: Bladed Weapon, Type 2 Phaser, Type 2 Phaser, Phaser Rifle, Photon Grenades
Planet Classifications
Class A: Geothermal Age: 0-2 billion years Diameter: 1,000-10,000 km Suface: partially molten Atmoshphere: hydrogen compounds Lifeforms: none Example: Gothos
Class B: Geomorteus Age: 0-10 billion years Diameter: 1,000-10,000 km Suface: partially molten, high surface temperature Atmosphere: extremely tenuous, few chemically active gases Lifeforms: none Example: Mercury
Class C: Geoinactive Age: 2-10 billion years Diameter: 1,000-10,000 km Surface: low surface temperature Atmosphere: frozen Lifeforms: none Example: Pluto, Psi 2000
Class D: Asteroid/Moon Age: 2-10 billion years Diameter: 100-1,000 km Surface: barren and cratered Atmosphere: none or very tenuous Lifeforms: none Example: Moon
Class E: Geoplastic Age: 0-2 billion years Diameter: 10,000-15,000 km Surface: molten, high surface temperature Atmosphere: hydrogen compounds and reactive gases Lifeforms: carbon-cycle (Excalbian) Example: Excalbia
Class F: Geometallic Age: 1-3 billion years Diameter: 10,000-15,000 km Surface: volcanic eruptions due to molten core Atmosphere: hydrogen compounds Lifeforms: silicon-based (Horta) Example: Janus IV
Class G: Geocrystalline Age: 3-4 billion years Diameter: 10,000-15,000 km Surface: crystallizing Atmosphere: carbon dioxide, some toxic gases Lifeforms: single-celled organisms Example: Delta Vega
Class H: Desert Age: 4-10 billion years Diameter: 8,000-15,000 km Surface: hot and arid, little or no surface water Atmosphere: may contain heavy gases and metal vapors Lifeforms: drought and radiation resistant plants and animals Example: Ocampa, Tau Cygna V
Class I: Gas Supergiant Age: 2-10 billion years Diameter: 140,000-10 million km Surface: tenuous, comprised of gaseous hydrogen and hydrogen compounds, radiates heat Atmosphere: zones vary in temperature and pressure and composition, water vapor may be present Lifeforms: none Example: Q'tahL
Class J: Gas Giant Age: 2-10 billion years Diameter: 50,000-140,000 km Surface: tenuous, comprised of gaseous hydrogen and hydrogen compounds, radiates some heat Atmosphere: zones vary in temperature and pressure and composition Lifeforms: hydrocarbon-based (Jovian) Example: Jupiter, Saturn
Class K: Adaptable Age: 4-10 billion years Diameter: 5,000-10,000 km Surface: barren, little or no surface water Atmosphere: thin, mostly carbon dioxide Lifeforms: single-celled organisms, adaptable for humanoid colonizations through use of pressure domes Example: Mars
Class L: Marginal Age: 4-10 billion years Diameter: 10,000-15,000 km Surface: rocky and barren, little surface water Atmosphere: oxygen/argon, high concentration of carbon dioxide Lifeforms: limited to plant life, suitable for humanoid colonization Example: Indri VIII
Class M: Terrestrial Age: 3-10 billion years Diameter: 10,000-15,000 km Surface: surface water abundant, if water or ice covers more than 80% of surface planet is considered Class O or Class P Atmosphere: nitrogen/oxygen, trace elements Lifeforms: extensive vegitation, animal life, humanoids Example: Earth, Vulcan, Cardassia Prime
Class N: Reducing Age: 3-10 billion years Diameter: 10,000-15,000 km Surface: high surface temperature due to greenhouse effect, water exists only as vapor Atmosphere: Extremely dense, carbon dioxide/sulfides Lifeforms: none Example: Venus
Class O: Pelagic Age: 3-10 billion years Diameter: 10,000-15,000 km Surface: 80% or more surface water Atmosphere: nitrogen/oxygen, trace elements Lifeforms: aquatic vegetation, animal life, humanoids Example: Argo
Class P: Glaciated Age: 3-10 billion years Diameter: 10,000-15,000 km Surface: 80% or more surface ice Atmosphere: nitrogen/oxygen, trace elements Lifeforms: animal life, humanoids Example: Exo III
Class Q: Variable Age: 2-10 billion years Diameter: 4,000-15,000 km Surface: ranges from molten to water and/or carbon dioxide ice due to eccentric orbit or variable output of star Atmosphere: ranges from tenuous to very dense Example: Genesis Planet
Class R: Rogue Age: 2-10 billion years Diameter: 4,000-15,000 km Surface: may be temperate due to geothermal venting Atmosphere: primarily volcanic outgassing Lifeforms: non-photosynthetic plants, animal life Example: Dakala
Classes S-T: Ultragiants Age: 2-10 billion years Diameter: 10-50 million km (Class S), 50-120 million km (Class T) Surface: tenuous, composed of gaseous hydrogen and hydrogen compounds, radiates considerable heat Atmosphere: zones vary in temperature and pressure and composition, water vapor may be present Lifeforms: none Example: various planets discovered in Delta Quadrant
Class Y: Demon Age: 2-10 billion years Diameter: 10,000-50,000 km Surface: temperature can exceed 500 degrees kelvin Lifeforms: mimetic Example: Hell